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melvin a.k.a melman =]
4th oct' 94 ; currently 12
temasek primary 6H
bedok view secondary 1E3
basketball player


wei shan
6A Blog
6G blog
6H blog!!
6I blog


January 2007- February 2007- April 2007-


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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

wa seh long time no blog... anyhow type password into the accuont also can.. haha alrights get to today topic.... NAPFA : 2.4KM run/jog !!!

wa seh damn tiring la.... i was very nervous before the teacher blowed the whistle... then before the start hor...i drink one whole bottle of mineral water leh... then i run awhile my throat damn dry liao.... wa seh then some people even brought their mp3 with them when they ran.. lol

kim was in the lead at first.... then shaun then me... i duno who behind... didnt bothered to look haha.. wa seh suddenly kim no energy then walk after the u-turn there... shaun and me immedietely jog passed him.. then suddenly i got stitches when close to the finishing line... so i walked like 10metre then started to jog again..

i saw alot of my friends when i was jogging back after the u-turn.. lol all like keep cheering me... then if im not wrong jess said " wa seh very fit arh! " then i ignored her xD sry arh.. throat dry... not much voice... and i had to keep jogging and breathing at the same " rhythem ".

so in the end... shaun got 1st in class (no.237) and i got 2nd (no.242) ; amira was the 1st girl and queenie was the 2nd ... haha it was so tiring la... my legs were aching but i keep forcing myself to jog.. phew! glad i passed... then when i reached the finish line i saw shaun's leg bleeding like siao... but then he say not pain... he say the wood thing cut him or something.

heard hilmi, who were behind me and shaun, said that when he and kim reached the finish line the teacher keep saying " come on! 9 mins! " duno whether real anot... if it is real then me and shaun ran like 8++min lo.... wa seh so pro arh lol.. O.o

ok la stop here le

he shots,he scores @ 9:20 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2007

it has been a long time since i updated my blog... life has been so-so for me....
suddenly i stopped talking to someone... and that someone stopped talking to me too... haha nvm la.. and theres a person who calls himself "anonymous", i think he/she detest me or something...
i wonder if i had offended anybody..
i wonder who "anonymous" is..

i think he/she is also in bedok view secondary school..

nevermind lets not talk about that... basketball.. i hope i can get into the basketball team this year... they said only 1 to 3 secondary one basketball players can get into the team... the others are secondary twos.. i so lousy la, compared to others like meng chun, shaun and raymond..
ok la i stop here le.. bye.

he shots,he scores @ 6:00 PM

Saturday, February 03, 2007

HEY HEY PEEPS!!! LONG TIME NO UPDATE LE!!!! been busy with working out my new basketball shooting style.... kinda difficult... the basketball must be somewhere above the head then you shoot... yeah you usually see players shooting that way in basketball tournaments... SO COOL RITE?!

yesterday went to Siglap CC near my school there... meng chun, 3 girl seniors and me. meng chun and i train shooting under the net... 50 goals... i scored to 50 first... hehe xP then we switch sides... quite easy actually.... but important when you are in matches, the opponents block you obviously...

then when i went home, my sister borrowed a movie vcd from her friend!! AND ITS ABOUT BASKETBALL!!! COACH CARTER.... it was so touching and exciting man... i think the movie is a true story... the players damn DAMN PRO MAN... wa seh, they like didn't aim just shoot then score!! sooo prooooooo!!

alright stopping here =]

he shots,he scores @ 10:10 AM

Saturday, January 27, 2007

hey peeps! ive recovered from my flu and running nose le.... YAYYYY!!! lol
ive just returned from playing basketball at haig road.... i met this guy, justin, who was also playing basketball.. then we became friends afterwards.... he was quite ok la at basketball... he is in secondary three.. we played match and i won!!! 11 to 0...lol most of my scores are three pointers xP then we played "abc" which i also won xP well i am not trying to say i am very good... but he was very funny and friendly.... haha... he gave his number to my sister so that if he or i wanted to play basketball we could play together...

then yesterday.... was a sad sad day man....
after school i went to play basketball by myself at the basketball court... then i got tired and wanted to go home... but i met meng chun, ivy [ from 1E4 ] and sufi [ a sec 3N7 guy ] so i decided to stay back.... then meng chun asked me whether want to go to the hall to watch the badminton match between our school team and pasir ris secondary.... so we went... it was exciting! then we decided to play more basketball...

after all those exhausting basketball playing... it started to drizzle then rain... we went back to the canteen and chat chat chat... chat until meng chun and crew remembered that their bags wasn't with them... so they went to the library where ivy and sufi left their bags... but meng chun didn't leave his bag at the library... so we thought.... where did meng chun went... we almost searched the whole school!!! they think that he left his bag in the hall but they locked the hall.... so maybe they took and put it in the general office... could it be a prank or what? meng chun was very very angry la.... if i were the one who lost the bag... i would feel so terrible... i wished i could do something to help him..

we searched until the security guard says that he was going to lock the school gate liao... it was around 7.30pm, so late!!! i think we were the only students left in the school.
they say tomorrow [ which is today ] want to go to school and find again... i hope that it is in the general office..

haixx.... very sad man... his books and HOUSE KEY!!! in the bag... monday what he bring to school?
oh dear.... all the best to meng chun-

he shots,he scores @ 5:40 PM

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

haix today...at school i felt sick... had running nose... felt cold.... anytime will faint like that and no mood to play basketball also.. sian.... alot of hw, ive been coming home late too, then everytime come back very tired... then don't feel like doing homework
tomorrow kena scolding lo... xP but i am going to do my homework anyway haha...

then today.... i forgotten to take out the class sign after maths class.. when i went back.. the class sign was gone! i'm like so dead la... scared to tell teacher sia... haiyoooo i'm soooooo dead!!!

after school 3pm must report to the AV Room for the drama programme thing... the host was very funny and later had games to play... we had to form a team.. [ hilmi, shaun, hong jun and me ] we were lazy to do the activities we eventually we came out... FIRST! we were surprised....

the programme ended at 6pm... wanted to reach back home fast! shaun and me took the mrt train home....
well... this is the end... *ACHOOO!* im still having my running nose and flu..

he shots,he scores @ 7:40 PM

Monday, January 22, 2007

aiyo today... i was angry la... and kinda forgetful too... well.. here goes:

it was like any other school day... lessons went on the same... then after history class.. hilmi passed a umbrella to me, i asked him who it belongs to... they said jia yi... so i went to jiayi and tapped her shoulder..

then she said.. " you want to take the umbrella is it? take la! " i didn't do anything wrong.. today chinese learned an idiom "bu fen qing hong zao bai" .... it totally describes what happened... she "bu fen qing hong zao bai" scold me... i was so angry!

then when i reached english class i forgotten to take the class sign needed to put on the class door for every lesson... after english class i forgotten to take the class diary which i left it at history class.... fortunately it was still there... *swts* xP

shaun, meng chun and me stayed back to play basketball... just play play play... PLAY UNTIL 7PM so late right? walao eh.... tired sia... phew

signing out-

he shots,he scores @ 8:35 PM

Friday, January 19, 2007

waaa yesterday didn't post because tired arh..... went for basketball trail... but we didn't had to go actually... i thought i had to go! then we just went lo... those who is interested in joining basketball must go for this trail.... haha...

eunice and hwee min went for the trail... then i see them play... walao eh! haiyooo lay-up don't know how to do! bounce ball also got difficulties ar..... i'm not trying to say i very pro la.... me myself have difficulties too... ask them want to train with us [ my friends and me ] then they say don't want... haiyooo, i think you should go practice!

then the coach call me followed by my friends [ hong jun, shaun and lin yi and some others ]... he said he choose us as the school team first... then i was like HAPPY!! WOOOOOO so happy man.... i sneak at the basketball attendance list... beside my name got a "B+" graded from C to A! NO ONE ELSE GOT B+ but i shouln't be overconfident la.....

then we played a basketball match... wa the opponents kept stepping on my feet! my feet already so pain you still want to step??!?! i kick ur bloody arse man! lol then suddenly someone knocked my knee, after that my right knee was like dislocated something like that la.... walao my right leg felt weak at that time... awhile later my knee ok liao everybody went home...

some sec 2 players stayed back to play more basketball... then i *bu shuang* mah... i shoot three pointer keep scoring.... then they kelvin, a sec 2 basketballer, gave me a nickname called "starring eyes" i was like.... WTH??!?!?! lol and shaun is shaolin monk... HAHAHAHAHAHA

so funny....today didn't do much because basketball was confiscated by Ms Huda.. so i went home early...

he shots,he scores @ 2:10 PM